FOUNDING MEMBERS The founding members of Voices Between are authors motivated primarily by the legacy of the Holocaust, an unprecedented moment of violence in human history which is also rich in learning about peace.

Julie Lindahl is an independent writer, educator and democracy activist based in Stockholm who has spent eight years researching and documenting her grandparents’ story as perpetrators in occupied Poland who fled to Latin America as new war crimes trials reopened in 1960. Her story, related in her memoir, The Pendulum, has been featured several times by Boston public radio, by NPR and Swedish public radio. She is founder and chair of Stories for Society. http://www.julielindahl.com/
“The stories of our own are full of black, white and, primarily, grey zones. Summoning the courage to examine those with openness and honesty brings insight and makes us less quick to judge others.” J Lindahl

Derek B. Miller (Ph.D. international relations, MA national security) is an international best-selling novelist and international affairs specialist based in Oslo whose works often address “cultures in conflict” and characters profoundly affected by war and genocide. In 2013 Derek’s novel, Norwegian by Night, was considered to be one of the most important novels of the year by The Economist. He is also the author of The Girl in Green, American by Day, and the forthcoming Twilight Crimes. He is director of The Policy Lab.
“We live in a world of constant conversation; of endless dialogue. Our access to knowledge is growing limitless, but understanding is not a mere product of knowledge. We need new tools, new commitments, new actors, new stories to step into the widening gap between what we are exposed to (or even subjected to) and what we can understand; both in our minds and our hearts.” D B Miller

Rachel Kadish is the best-selling author of The Weight of Ink and other novels, and the recipient of the National Jewish Book Award. Her work has appeared on NPR and in the New York Times, Ploughshares, and Tin House, and has been anthologized in the Pushcart Prize Anthology and elsewhere. She has been a fiction fellow of the National Endowment for the Arts and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and has received the Association of Jewish Libraries Fiction Award and the John Gardner Fiction Award, and was the Koret Writer-in-Residence at Stanford University. She lives outside Boston and teaches in Lesley University's MFA Program in Creative Writing. She is the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. http://rachelkadish.com/
“One of the most powerful tools we have to combat intolerance is empathy – and empathy is the raw material of stories. When I speak as an artist, I highlight the ways stories connect us to lives we otherwise wouldn’t have access to, and link us inextricably to one another.” R Kadish
EXPANDING OUR NETWORK We are building an international network of members, established authors writing about peace and war, and affiliates, persons and organizations that identify with our mission and would like to engage with us in projects. Contact us